How do I use iNRV8?

Simply build your quote online or during a demo call with us. Once the parameters are set, you will receive a project briefing template. An expert iNRV8 strategic planner will work with you to optimise this briefing, support your strategy and to ensure the creative output is maximised. Once this is ready, you will receive a detailed schedule from start to finish, inclusive of touch points. As soon as you are ready, and have approved the final brief and quotation, the project will go live. Creative concepts will be available for your secure download, at the completion of the agreed schedule.

Who owns the final IP?

In short – you the client will own all new and original core concepts/IP at the end of the project. When we assemble the crowd, they are contracted to supply specified deliverables and IP transfer of their original work is included. Any third-party IP reference used in a submission will be made known on the downloadable report.

How do you handle confidentiality?

iNRV8 takes the subject of confidentiality seriously. All correspondence with and submissions via iNRV8 are secure and consistent with the iNRV8 Privacy Policy. As part of crowd agreements, creatives agree to deliver specified deliverables in return for payment and their acceptance of the iNRV8 terms & conditions including an NDA and IP transfer are mandatory, before receiving the Confidential brief and participating in the project.

What is your privacy policy?

See our policy here.

What, exactly is the crowd?

The iNRV8 crowd is a globally diverse set of creative individuals. They are professionals and bring with them many specialisms (product design, graphic design, brand & communications storytelling, creative directors, copywriters etc), experience, diversity, and craft. They work with iNRV8 as their skills, talents and time are respected, renumerated appropriately and they receive briefs and challenges to work on.

What are the differences in support levels?

iNRV8 offers 3 levels of project support and this is not limited to project management. All projects including the entry level SPARK™ format, will have iNRV8 senior strategist support. We will take the time to understand your business challenge and ensure your briefing aligns to your strategy and objectives. The IGNITION™ format also comes with senior strategist moderation throughout the creative development process, a mid-point progress review and alignment meeting and final outcomes download. The premier ROCKET™ format includes all the above as well as 24/7 client access to the platform, a real time interactive creative feedback channel with senior strategist and outcome download.

For product specific support levels please visit the solution builder page. More comprehensive products provide substantially more process support, touch points, moderation, and guidance.

What is the optimum crowd size?

Crowd diversity is the key to distinctive creative concepts and 5 creatives are the absolute minimum. In general, iNRV8 recommend creatives teams of 10. But the product builder allows you to tailor the team size in increments of 1 and from 5 to 15 creatives. In our experience, exceeding 15 creatives tends not to bring sufficient extra value – quality of moderated creativity over sheer quantity

Do you guarantee delivery?

Yes. Once you have selected a product and we have agreed a project schedule iNRV8 will guarantee the number of moderated creative concepts as detailed on the quote.

Do you moderate/guide the crowd?

Yes. Senior iNRV8 strategists will moderate and guide the crowd. On SPARK™ projects this is limited as speed is key.

IGNITION™ allows moderation and a ‘half point’ review session where we share work-to-date with you. At this point we will take your feedback and our view to refine or re-direct second phase work.

ROCKET™ takes this to another level. The entire process is live and visible on our platform. You and your stakeholders can login, comment and affect the work as it progresses. This communication is handled by senior iNRV8™ strategists as we relay it to the crowd with our additional guidance.

Will you work with our in-house or design agency?

Of course. We can stop at the point of concept delivery and transfer all work and IP to you so that you may progress with an existing inhouse resource or agency.

Or, we frequently work with clients directly to iterate and develop concepts further. This latter opportunity is often highly productive as concepts can be vetted, built-upon and recombined fast, efficiently and effectively.

It is quite common for us to be engaged and to deliver new, diverse thinking – even when a creative agency is in place.

Who is my point of contact?

From the very outset, a senior iNRV8 strategist will be assigned to your project. We only have a senior team. Depending on the project type we will assign a team member based on time zone but we can call on fellow team members who have expertise in your project area too.

What if I don’t like the ideas developed?

The briefing stage is of critical importance in ensuring clarity of objectives and expected outcomes. All ideas are moderated against the agreed, approved briefing. iNRV8 guarantees delivery of agreed number of diverse ideas/concepts that answer the brief.

What happens if some ideas are very similar to ones that we have already thought of ourselves?

The briefing stage is of critical importance in ensuring clarity of objectives and expected outcomes. Creatives are tasked with developing original ideas that answer the brief but they can not possibly know or pre-empt ideas that you may have already considered. If there are particular constraints or pathways you wish to avoid ideating around, then these should be made known at the time of briefing.

What exactly will I receive at the end of the project period?

All ideas/concepts will be delivered as a downloadable pdf report file. Ownership of all original concept IP will pass to the client immediately upon completion of the project period and with confirmed iNRV8 receipt of payment for such project. Additionally, in the case of the premier ROCKET™ project format, all open/editable files for such ideas will be available for download.