• Honda
  • Corporation


Q. What does a brand like Honda, at its Tokyo HQ, do for strategic innovation inspiration when it has access to the world’s biggest creative agencies, management consultancies and unrivalled depth and breadth of technical capability in-house?

A. They enlist the power of diversity of creative and strategic services from the team at iNRV8™ (formerly 888™). When senior strategy teams at Honda Corporation were tasked to project the long-range innovation pathways, they selected the iNRV8™ ROCKET™ innovation solution together with Strategic-AnalysR™ services. In 14 days, more than 30 inspiring and ground-breaking concepts were developed, curated, refined, and analysed before being presented to Honda leaders at HQ. This was not about designing a new interior door handle or sunroof switch for Honda’s famous Civic vehicle but about critically important new technology platforms to engage Honda brand lovers.

Quote. “thank you for inspiring a long future of growth for Honda, in just a few weeks. Impressive.”  

Yoshiro Mizuno. Collaboration Partner Honda Corporation. Tokyo